Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ok, last post for reals!

I have 2 last pictures of my last afternoon with Lucy :D I managed to finish packing without Lucy suspecting a thing... SCORE! We then spent most of the afternoon on the couch cuddling while I read the 6th Harry Potter. Not much else exciting happened.. Lucy and I just enjoyed relaxing together. After Lucy ate this evening, I headed home. :( I think she was far more ok with me leaving than I was... haha.  I've only been back in my apartment for maybe 5 minutes, and I'm already lonely! haha... no sweet dog to cuddle with and keep me company! Which is probably best, as having the opportunity to hang out with a dog would probably keep me from unpacking anything... which I'm already avoiding by writing this post! ah well. Thanks so much for a wonderful week, Lucy!!!!
Hanging out early in the afternoon on the couch
This is from right before I left... I some last minute snuggles! Miss you already, Lucy! But I'm glad your family is home!


My last day with Lucy :( I've already managed to pack half my car without her noticing... w00t w00t! Lucy has been sleeping pretty  much all morning after waking me up at 6:30 for breakfast :) She does follow me from room to room to sleep wherever I am, though, which is pretty funny when I'm trying to do my hair and makeup and she's sprawled out on the bathroom floor... haha.

Lucy also got to listen to me work on learning some new songs for work. She's now passed out while I'm watching the Cosby Show. Saturdays are awesome. Anyways, this is probably the end of this blog, unless anything super exciting happens this afternoon. Otherwise, this has been the most lovely week with Miss Lucy, and I'm very glad I got to hang out with her all week!

Friday, July 26, 2013


TGIF! I love Fridays! I don't work until 10, so it's quite lovely. And since I stayed up late to watch Hollywood Game Night (which I LOVE!), Lucy and I slept in until 6:30 this morning instead of 5:30 :D I also had a nice short day today, so Lucy and I made a trip to Nappanee to bring my plants back... which I forgot to water while I was here, so I really might as well have left them in Nappanee to begin with... haha. Poor dying basil plant... oh well :D Me and Lucy had a nice ride, and Lucy had a nice time exploring my apartment again. Now Lucy is sleeping on the couch next to me while we watch some Harry Potter and I crochet... although my wrist is bugging me so I might switch back to reading again shortly.

Lucy is much more willing to let me snap pictures of her than Turbo... he always looks like I'm torturing him when I try to take his picture. As glad as I am that Lucy will have her family back tomorrow, I'm sad I have to leave her ... she was an absolute JOY to spend my week with. I thoroughly enjoyed spending my evenings with her. She's absolutely a doll, and has so much character. Love her! I need to get my own sweet dog to spend my evenings with, that's for sure! I'm also not looking forward to smuggle packing my car tomorrow so Lucy doesn't know what's going on... haha.  I'm definitely not known for being exceptionally sneaky, but hopefully while Lucy is outside I'll be able to get it in the car without her noticing. I expect I will probably make one more update on this post tomorrow about my last bit of time with miss Lucy. But in the mean time, I would just like to say that this week has been WONDERFUL! Rather like a vacation that I unfortunately had to work during. I got to spend all my off-time hanging out with the sweetest dog while watching the Food Network... pretty close to my idea of the best time ever! I also had some REALLY short commutes, which was also nice, as it meant I got to spend more time with Lucy :D I also did quite a bit of crocheting and reading-- two activities that I very much love to do, but don't do nearly as often as I'd like. Anyways, Miss Lucy has been the perfect hostess, and I am glad she let me hang out with her for the week :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday and Thursday

Well, the last two days have been very enjoyable for me (and hopefully Lucy!)

They have also been my 2 longest work days, which KILLED me... knowing she was home all alone :( haha... I'm rather pathetic sometimes. But back to being chronological::

Wednesday-- Lucy has started to recognize what I do as I get ready for work... so as I'm packing up my work bag, Lucy drags over 3 of her toys and starts barking at me and nudging all her toys at me to play... lucky for Lucy, I was getting ready about 15 minutes early, so I had some time to play :D So we played for a while before work! When I got home, Lucy and I spent a relaxing evening watching Chopped on the Food Network while I finished the 4th Harry Potter. I'm on a roll, for reals! haha :D
Wednesday night, Lucy decided she didn't want me to help her get on the bed by picking her up, as I have the last few nights (after noticing she BARELY made it up the first night)... but then she missed the bed because she couldn't get enough height to jump up :( So after I had a momentary freak out and checked her for any painful limbs, Lucy seemed to be more embarrassed than anything else... she was walking around fine, but kept hiding behind my legs or going to sit in the corner... when we finally got in bed, she insisted on sleeping pretty much on top of me... her head in the crook of my neck and curled up right against me... I felt so bad... at some point during the night, though, she moved to sleeping more or less on top of my legs :) goofball.

Thursday: My earliest work day... most days I haven't had to leave until 9 or 10, but this morning I had to be out the door at 7:45.  This meant that I was home MUCH earlier (YAY!), so hence I'm posting at 5:40 as if Thursday is over... haha.  I always feel like Thursday nights last forever in the summer because 1) I get done at 3 on Thursdays and 2)Thursday night is my indulgent "late night", as I don't work until 10 on Fridays. Also, Hollywood Game Night is on NBC from 10-11, and I love games and celebrities, so I stay up late to watch it :) in the mean time, I'm enjoying having cable and watching shows with Lucy.  I'm debating whether or not I'd rather start the 5th Harry Potter or crochet... we'll see.  Whatever I do, it'll be Lucy curled up at my side :) I'm very much enjoying spending my evenings with Lucy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday and Tuesday!

Back at work :( Sad day... I'd much rather spend my time with Lucy! I worked Monday, came home and played with Lucy for a bit :) Then after dinner and what not, Lucy and I pretty much just chilled while watching some TV.  I got quite a bit of crocheting in and also finished the 3rd Harry Potter book (I'm a reading machine!). PICTURE TIME!

That last one is from right before we went to bed... both of us were pretty exhausted :D Thanks for putting up with me, Lucy! 
Then today was more of the same... in fact, almost a carbon copy of yesterday... except I'm not finishing a book... mostly due to the fact I haven't started another book yet :) But I'll probably start the 4th book and get some more crocheting in. And more cuddling with Lucy, of course!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Late night cuddles

After I finished yesterday's post, Lucy got super cuddly and was snuggled next to me on the couch while I watched How I Met Your Mother reruns on TV... it was very nice, because Turbo is NOT a snuggler... I enjoy snuggling with Lucy very much!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lazy Sunday!

Ahhhhh :D This is feeling just like a vacation :D Lucy and I have spent the most relaxing day :)

I got up for church and ran a couple of errands while Lucy napped in her kennel... but when I got home she popped up really quickly! And now we have been enjoying a day full of White Sox baseball on TV, napping, reading, snuggling, crocheting, and more napping. Enjoy a couple of pictures :D

Lucy then woke up and practically begged me for dinner, so we both ate and are now enjoying WGN tv... while I continue to crochet.  I've finished 2 books in the last 2 days (the first 2 Harry Potter), so I figure I can take a break from reading and crochet a bit! This has seriously felt like a vacation this weekend... Not at all looking forward to going back to work tomorrow... Ugh. And a long work week ahead yet again... not long days, but a LOT going on packed into my days. I'd rather spend my days hanging out with Lucy.